Company/Organization: Eastern New York Travel Baseball
Project URL:
Project Timeframe: Discovery and requirements gathering began in June 2018 with page redesigns and new development being added presently.
Client Problem: Website was a bit outdated and was not mobile friendly due to a wide use of tables for site layout. Over 500 unique pages made the site confusing to use and, because of that, league members were not using the site to fulfill league duties such as roster moves and team schedule setup.
My Solution: Simplified the navigation menu from over 500 links down to just 7 'core' links. From there, we used a combination of sidebars and 'traffic cop pages' to serve users relevant links out to the other pages. After that we redesigned all of the pages to be mobile friendly and have a more modern look. The final and ongoing step is to begin rebuilding (or building new) functionality to increase user experience and entice entice league members to use the site more.
Company/Organization: Schodack Auto
Project URL:
Project Timeframe: 1 Week
Client Problem: New autobody shop that did not have any online presence. Client needed a simple, cost-efficient website to display services and contact information. Also needed basic SEO setup along with analytics integration to view visitor traffic.
My Solution: Set the client up with hosting and modified an existing wordpress template to fit the client's needs. This streamlined the process and also allows the client to make minor modifications and updates to site without my involvement. Once website was complete, it was setup for basic webmaster tools and SEO optimization and the client was given own view into Google Analytics dashboard.
Company/Organization: Engraving Plus
Description: Designed a flyer for Engraving Plus to advertise to baseball league members to showcase work in trophies, medallions and other baseball related awards. Focus on imagery was important but also needed all of the various links to be present and enticing to click.